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World of Tech

​Welcome to my page! I am Bilal Nizami, a seventeen-year-old senior at Sport and Medical Sciences Academy in Hartford, CT. My family and I immigrated to the U.S. when I was 9 years old because my parents wanted my siblings and I to have a better future and more opportunities here. Ever since I was a toddler I have had a fascination for technology. As I began to grow, I quickly learned more about technology specifically computers. In a short peroid of time after that, I had mastered the new skills that technology offered, and I still continue to today. I believe that with anything people must learn something before they can successfully preform the task either from someone teaching us or being self-taught. We learn most things simply by listening and doing. With the advancement in technology these days, many people simply are falling behind, unable to understand how to use such simple things like a computer or phone because of this. In the fall of 2017, I plan on attending University of Hartford and majoring in Computer Science. One day I hope to receive all my certifications for the specializations in Cyber Security. Through this project, I wanted to share my knowledge and passion for computers through teaching and assisting others so that they are able to keep up with these advancements.

Mission Statement

I plan on attending University of Hartford and major in Computer Science in hopes of going in the field of Cyber Security. I want to share my knowledge with others by teaching others things I have learned in my life time.  I have always had interest in the world of technology and since my parents passed it down to me, I want to be able to do the same with the people I help. I plan to teach others about technology to improve their influence in the usage of technology so my “students” can make their lives much easier by accommodating technological devices in them.  

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